Here are the documents produced at the 2024 G20 under Brasil's presidency. You'll find all the Issue Notes, Ministerial Declarations, concept notes, Communiqués, submissions and publications that guide the discussions and decisions of the 2024 G20. These documents cover priority themes – such as sustainable development, the fight against inequality, and climate change – and are the basis for the Leaders' Declaration, which will be presented at the November Summit in Rio de Janeiro. Check out the archives and follow the global initiatives led by Brasil.
G20 Rio de Janeiro Leaders’ Declaration
G20 Rio de Janeiro Leaders’ Declaration
November 18, 2024
The leaders of the G20 met in Rio de Janeiro on 18-19 November, 2024, to address major global challenges and crises and promote strong, sustainable, balanced and inclusive growth. In the city that is the birthplace of the Sustainable Development Agenda, leaders reaffirmed their commitment to building a fair world and a sustainable planet, prioritizing the fight against inequalities in all their dimensions, without leaving anyone behind. The Rio de Janeiro Leaders' Declaration establishes actions towards concrete results, based on the priorities of the Brazilian G20 presidency: (i) social inclusion and the fight against hunger and poverty; (ii) sustainable development, energy transitions and climate action; and (iii) the reform of global governance institutions. The document also enshrines the achievements of the Brazilian presidency throughout the year, such as the Global Alliance against Hunger and Poverty, the Task Force on a Global Mobilization against Climate Change and the Call to Action on Global Governance Reform.
The G20 Social Summit, held from November 14 to 16 in Rio de Janeiro, concluded a broad participatory process led by Brasil's G20 presidency. The event presented to world leaders—who will meet at the Leaders' Summit from November 18 to 19—a DECLARATION detailing global civil society's main proposals, which were agreed upon through year-long deliberations on the three central themes of Brasil's G20 presidency: Combating Hunger, Poverty, and Inequality; Sustainability, Climate Change and Just Transition; Global Governance Reform.
The challenges the global community faces today can only be addressed through multilateral solutions for a better tomorrow and the strengthening of global governance for both present and future generations. Noting the Pact for the Future and the ongoing reform processes of international institutions and in light of the urgent need to live up to our shared goals in order to deliver on the promises of the United Nations and other relevant international organizations around the world, the States endorsing the present “Call to Action” pledge to work for a reinvigorated and strengthened multilateral system, rooted in the purposes and principles of the UN Charter and international law, with renewed institutions and a reformed governance that is more representative, effective, transparent and accountable, reflecting the social, economic and political realities of the 21st century.
Issue Notes are documents aligned between the member countries of the G20, containing guidelines for discussions aimed at consensus on different themes. They are established according to the priorities defined by the country that holds the shift mandate. All the issues notes of the working groups, task forces and initiatives are available on this page and are updated as they are approved by the respective groups. The issue notes of the working groups are English.