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G20 Radio Bulletin 84 - Working Group drives anti-corruption initiatives in the private sector
The report from the Anti-Corruption Working Group emphasizes the significance of negotiating technical documents and exchanging experiences to bolster integrity in both public and private sectors, thereby contributing to the mitigation of inequalities and the advancement of sustainable development. Listen to the coverage and learn more.
G20 group discusses creating value around the mostly women-led care economy
Public policies against discrimination at work and towards valuing the economy of care— recognizing how important the time and energy spent taking care of others is to individual and collective well-being by offering emotional, physical, and social support, for example—are strategic to eliminating salary discrepancies on the global stage.
Indigenous languages, essential for preserving ancestral knowledge, could disappear in 20 years
Today, approximately 274 indigenous languages are spoken in Brasil, a number that reached 1,200 before European colonization of the Country. Knowledge passed on orally to new generations is fundamental in the fight against climate change, a priority for the Brazilian presidency at the G20.
Brasil's trade surplus with G20 countries to be a record in 2023
Brasil's exports to the G20 countries totaled 265 billion dollars and represented 78% of everything Brasil exported to the world in 2023. A growth of 4.6% on the previous year. Sales of industrial goods are still on the rise, but diversification is still a challenge. The Impulse of Exports study, published by the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (Apex), linked to the Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services (MDIC), mapped around 9,000 commercial opportunities for Brazilian products and services in the markets of the G20 member countries.
Ethical journalism, information integrity, and strengthening democracy in the G20 debate
The continued growth of misinformation and hate speech through digital media puts global democracy at risk. In this setting, it is becoming increasingly important to promote information integrity and professional journalism.
Historic cooperation between Brasil and the U.S. on climate change announced at the G20
At an important moment for the global climate agenda, the two countries signed a strategic partnership during the G20 Finance Track ministerial meeting in Rio de Janeiro.
“I am not surprized by the wonderful contents the machines can produce because they have learned from us,” says expert during G20 side event
“International Seminar on Policies for the Creative Economy: G20 + Ibero-America” gives continuity to discussions from the final technical meeting of the Culture Working Group in Rio de Janeiro. Artificial intelligence and copyrights were the themes of this Thursday’s (8) keynote lecture at Casa Firjan.
“Light of hope”: European Union Commissioner talks about the urgent need to combat inequalities
The European Commissioner for International Partnerships Jutta Urpilainen discusses the Bloc’s commitments to proposals regarding sustainable development and the support to Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva’s initiative to eradicate hunger and poverty globally.
Disintrusion: a milestone in indigenous territorial defense
The Amazon Rainforest spans nine countries in South America: Brazil, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, Venezuela, Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana, and Ecuador. Brazil harbors 60% of the rainforest. In 2023, deforestation in the Brazilian rainforest dropped 22% when compared to 2022, as a result of supervision and control measures. One of them goes by a name that is still relatively unknown: the disintrusion of Indigenous Lands. Preservation of forests as part of the fight against climate change is one of the priorities of the Brazilian presidency of the G20.
Manuel Castells: "We must find ways to regulate the networks”
In an exclusive interview for the G20 Brasil website, Spanish sociologist Manuel Castells analyzed the current role of the Internet and social platforms: “The Internet is an expression of society, which is increasingly distant from the progressive ideals we support". “Social networks do not produce political polarization, but they reinforce it and amplify it extraordinarily. We must find ways to regulate social media platforms".
Brasil’s Human Rights Minister urges swift regulation of digital platforms
Silvio Almeida cautioned against the chaos arising from uncontrolled online activity, stressing the imperative of measures to combat misinformation and hatred to protect our democratic future.
Media education increases children's online protection
Children's safety on the internet and media education featured on a panel discussion at the G20 Digital Economy WG side event.
Experts advocate the protection of the democratic environment in the face of digital extremism
Pollution in the information ecosystem, regulation of digital platforms, guarantee of expression’s freedom, threat to democratic elections and the damage that misinformation can cause in the public and private spheres are some of the issues addressed by experts at a side event of the G20 Digital Economy Working Group held in São Paulo.
G20 Bioeconomy Initiative’s second meeting focuses on dialogue between traditional knowledge and contemporary science
According to a recent international World Business Council for Sustainable Development report, bioeconomy based on ancestral knowledge offers the opportunity of raising trillions of dollars in revenue. The Initiative’s second meeting focused on an unprecedented discussion of the relevance of knowledge—ranging from oral traditions to the most recent advances in contemporary science—to bioeconomy.
There is no dignity or prosperity when you are homeless, points out Brasil’s minister of Human Rights
To Brasil’s minister of Human Rights and Citizenship Silvio Almeida, homelessness is synonymous of extreme vulnerability, constant violence and a lack of basic living conditions. In an interview to G20 Brasil, Almeida stressed that increasing homelessness is a global phenomenon that has been made even worse by the pandemic—and that it requires an urgent response from governments.
SDG 18: Combating ethnic and racial discrimination must be a key element among the G20 priorities
Working Group explores integrating ethnic and racial perspectives into discussions on the global economy, social inclusion, and sustainable development. Representatives from the government, international organizations, and civil society highlight the urgent need for public policies to promote effective structural changes.
G20 prepares joint session between Sherpas and civil society
In an unprecedented way, the Brazilian presidency of the forum will ensure that G20 Social organizations are heard by the G20 sherpas at a meeting scheduled for July in Rio de Janeiro. This is Brasil’s initiative to create a space for civil society to participate in debates between the world's largest economies.
Brasil's challenge to become independent in AI
"The Global South needs to create a safety net that creates more synergy between countries, to combat inequality and regional asymmetry, not least because the whole world is moving in this direction," said Brasil's Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation, Luciana Santos in an interview with foreign journalists.
The agenda for today (May 1) remains focused on countering misinformation and safeguarding democracy
At the side event of the G20 Digital Economy Working Group in São Paulo, high-level debates are currently underway. The agenda encompasses discussions on the urgent necessity to prioritize information integrity. This prioritization is vital for safeguarding elections, promoting fundamental freedoms, strengthening democratic institutions, and upholding human rights.
Disinformation threatens lives in humanitarian emergency in Southern Brasil, experts warn
The dissemination of false information may compromise relief and evacuation operations in flood-affected areas of Brazilian state, jeopardizing the safety and well-being of victims. Ensuring information integrity is a key focus of the Brazilian G20 Presidency, within the framework of the Digital Economy Working Group.
Support from BRICS: NDB is to allocate BRL 5.7 billion to the state of Rio Grande do Sul
President of BRICS Bank Dilma Rousseff announced support to the reconstruction of the Brazilian state that has been facing an unprecedented humanitarian crisis following flooding affecting almost 90% of its towns and cities. The measure is in line with an agreement signed by the multilateral development banks in April towards combating climate change.
In Teresina, G20 delegates reach consensus on the foundations of the Global Alliance Against Hunger and Poverty
The founding documents of the Brazilian presidency's proposal were finalized during the 3rd meeting of the Task Force. They will be presented to social ministers from all G20 member countries at a meeting scheduled for July in Rio de Janeiro. Financing details are to be aligned with technicians and ministers from the Finance Track
G20 is engaged in the development of documents on social inclusion, access to water and basic sanitation for development
In Salvador, Bahia, the Development WG made progress in creating policies for the inclusion of minorities and funding for basic sanitation. The discussion also covered the promotion of ethnic-racial equality and the inclusion of various social groups. The goal is to present a final document in July.
Cyber security: strengthening policies to combat threats in the digital world
In a highly connected world, the digital environment encompasses most activities, from fun and entertainment to public services, banking transactions, e-commerce, and access to education and medicine. The topic is growing in importance, and cybersecurity issues are increasingly at the forefront of the discussion on connectivity. Cybersecurity was the focus of a side event held as part of the G20 Digital Economy Working Group on Monday (10), which will continue until Thursday (13) in the city of São Luís, capital of the Brazilian state of Maranhão.
G20 pre-approves document on waste management and circular economy
Roadmap presented by the Brazilian G20 presidency includes suggestions from member countries and highlights the role of governors and mayors in implementing inclusive public policies. The document pre-approved at the meeting in Manaus includes the perspectives of society and of traditional communities in the creation of environmental policies.