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G20 Bioeconomy Initiative’s second meeting focuses on dialogue between traditional knowledge and contemporary science
According to a recent international World Business Council for Sustainable Development report, bioeconomy based on ancestral knowledge offers the opportunity of raising trillions of dollars in revenue. The Initiative’s second meeting focused on an unprecedented discussion of the relevance of knowledge—ranging from oral traditions to the most recent advances in contemporary science—to bioeconomy.
Overcoming inequalities on the agenda on the last day of the French president's trip to Brasil
On the last day of French President Emmanuel Macron's official visit to Brasil, President Lula stated that the two countries are determined to work together to promote a shared vision of the world. In the current international scenario of instability, the dialogue between the two countries represents an alliance in favor of overcoming structural inequalities and a more sustainable planet, priority themes for the Brazilian presidency of the G20. Taxing billionaires is one of the alternatives advocated to increase resources to overcome inequalities.
Ancestry with a glance into the future: the indigenous economy is an inspiration for development with sustainability
Ancestral knowledge and the intrinsic relation of indigenous peoples with the environment offer innovative and resilient approaches to the economic, social, and environmental challenges highlighted in the G20 agenda during the Brazilian Presidency. The 2015 Paris Agreement gave scientific endorsement to the knowledge of indigenous peoples, the basis for the production of various products and medicines, such as aspirin and morphine.
"Bioeconomy is an alternative for the intelligent specialization of territories"
During the 4th Meeting of the G20 Bioeconomy Initiative, Minister Luciana Santos emphasizes the role of science and innovation in tackling global challenges and promoting sustainable development.
G20 in Manaus: international indigenous peoples and traditional communities as part of the bioeconomy agenda
From the perspective of socio-bioeconomics, a concept that uses the prefix 'socio' to highlight the way in which the peoples of the waters, forests and countryside work, on Tuesday (18) delegates from the Initiative exchanged experiences and discussed future actions. Australia and Canada presented national actions.
Agricultura familiar fortalecida: biocombustible como camino
Con una producción de cerca del 80% de los alimentos del mundo, la agricultura familiar es también un sector estratégico para la producción de energías alternativas. La actualización del Sello Biocombustible Social, iniciativa del gobierno brasileño, garantizará que la mitad de las compras de ese producto tenga como origen la agricultura familiar
G20 discusses bioeconomy as key to reducing inequalities and poverty
Brasil's proposal to explore biodiversity to boost the economy and fight poverty gains support at the G20 as key to promoting climate and food security. Traditional communities and peoples’ perspectives are also integrated into discussions by the world's largest economies.
What the G20 has decided about bioeconomy - and what this has to do with your life
G20 member countries defined principles to reconcile development and sustainability with solutions based on nature, one of the central agendas in this edition of the Forum. Discussions took place at the G20 Bioeconomy Initiative, proposed by Brasil's G20 Presidency.
G20 Brasil discusses preservation of the Amazon and sustainable economic development in Manaus
The G20 Bioeconomy Initiative brings together international representatives to discuss sustainable solutions that strike a balance between forest preservation and economic development. The debates highlight the crucial role of the Amazon and the participation of local communities in the process.
Now at helm of the G20, Brazil launches its Global Bioeconomy Initiative
Brazil wants to expand developing countries’ access to four climate funds: the Green Climate Fund; the Climate Investment Funds; the Adaptation Fund; and the Global Environment Facility.
Bioeconomy can contribute to a new cycle of prosperity, say ministers and Janja Lula
At the opening of the G20 Global Bioeconomy Initiative meeting, Ministers Marina Silva (MMA) and Luciana Santos (MCTI), along with sociologist and Brasil’s First Lady Janja Lula da Silva, underscored the pivotal role of bioeconomy in addressing climate crises, exemplified by the ongoing challenges in Southern Brasil.
Strengthening family farming: biofuels as a way ahead
As well as being responsible for producing around 80% of the world's food, family farming is a strategic sector for alternative energy. An update to the Brazilian government’s Social Biofuel Seal is going to ensure that half of these purchased products come from family farming
G20 reaches consensus and establishes High-Level principles on Bioeconomy
After nine months of intense debates, the G20 Initiative on Bioeconomy (GIB) established the 10 High-Level Principles on Bioeconomy as a result of a meeting of technicians from the forum's member countries, held this week in Rio de Janeiro. This is the first time that the bioeconomy has been the subject of a multilaterally agreed document devoted to this topic.
G20 Bioeconomy Initiative: Meeting knowledge and nature
Brazilian proposal moves forward by drawing up guidelines for a more rational economy, which takes into account the entire production process and its consequences for man and the environment